Full Spectrum CBD Oil: What is it? Why is it different?

Full Spectrum CBD Oil: What is it? Why is it different?

Full Spectrum refers to CBD oil which contains all the naturally occurring cannabinoids in the hemp plant. When you take full spectrum CBD oil, you will not only receive the benefits from the CBD itself, but also a myriad of other cannabinoids that work in tandem with each other. 

These other cannabinoids can provide you with many extra benefits than you would get from a CBD isolate product. Additionally, not only does each cannabinoid bring its own benefits, but also boosts the effectiveness of the other active ingredients, which ultimately creates a significantly more powerful product. 


Which other beneficial cannabinoids are present in full spectrum CBD?

While CBD is undoubtedly the strongest component of CBD oil (hence the name!), the following cannabinoids are also present in quality full spectrum CBD oils:


This remarkable cannabinoid is known for its preventative properties. Interestingly, it’s also thought to improve brain cell growth (neurogenesis). CBC also has anti-inflammatory properties: just like CBD. Due to the way that cannabinoids boost the effectiveness of each other, this means that full spectrum CBD oil is even more powerful at combating inflammation. 

Key Benefits of CBC: Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, bone stimulation, anti-proliferative, vasoconstriction, anti-microbial.


While more studies are needed to determine the true effectiveness of CBDA (cannabidiolic acid), some initial studies have shown that the compound could potentially compliment the other cannabinoids in CBD oil.

What sets CBDA apart from other cannabinoids is the way in which it interacts with your body. The other compounds found in CBD oil interact with CB1 or CB2 receptors, whereas CBDA blocks the enzymes associated with inflammation, resulting in the potential for CBDA reducing inflammation in the body.

Furthermore, CBDA could affect serotonin production in the body, a chemical compound which is associated with sleep, digestion, our emotional state, and more. Chemotherapy results in an excess of serotonin release, which leads to the side effects we associate with chemotherapy such as nausea. More research is needed in this field, but there are promising signs that CBDA could help reduce the side-effects of chemotherapy. 

Key Benefits of CBDA:  anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, digestive aid, 


CBG (cannabigorol) is another powerful cannabinoid found in full-spectrum CBD oil. CBG is considered to be the parent of CBD, as CBG becomes CBD when the compound breaks down. As you might expect, the fact that CBD is the precursor to CBD means that it has many benefits in its own right.

Initial studies of CBG suggest that the cannabinoid could help treat an array of diseases and conditions, such as bowel disease, glaucoma, Huntington’s disease and even some bacterial infections. A full list of potential uses of CBG as well as the studies supporting the use of CBG for medical purposes can be found here.

Key Benefits of CBG: anti-inflammatory, bone stimulant, anti-proliferative, anti-bacterial


THCa (Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) is another non-psychoactive compound found in full-spectrum CBD oil. While it shares its namesake with THC, THCa does not get you high. As THCa dries, it becomes the THC associated with marijunana. This happens over time, however, so this process does not have a chance to occur before the hemp is harvested for CBD oils. 

Just like THC, THCa is thought to stimulate the appetite, which means it could help combat weight loss. It is also thought to be anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective, but, as always, more research is needed in this area. 

Key Benefits of THCa: anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, anti-spasmodic


THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin), while similar in name to THCa, is actually very different and has a whole host of its own benefits. Again, unlike THC, THCv does not get you high; the slightly different makeup of this compound (it has two less carbon atoms on its side chain) means that it reacts with your body differently.

While more research needs be done to classify the true strength of THCv, scientists believe that it could act as an appetite suppressant, help regulate blood sugar and thus diabetes, reduce the symptoms of anxiety based conditions such as PTSD, and even stimulate bone growth through helping to produce new, healthy bone cells.

Key Benefits of THCv: bone-stimulant, appetite suppressant, anti-epeleptic

Ready To Try Full-Spectrum CBD?

Here at ProLife, we offer the highest quality full-spectrum CBD oil which contains each of the amazing compounds you have just read about. We’re one of the only companies in the UK to offer fully regulated CBD oil that is free from any additives, herbicides or pesticides.

If you would like to get in touch with us directly, please use our online contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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